Accessing Foster Care Services in Tehama County, California

If you live in Tehama County and are interested in providing foster care or adopting a child in need, there are local organizations here to help. Youth & Family Programs offers guidance for accessing foster care services in Tehama County, California.

5 Tips to Accessing Foster Care Services in Tehama County, California

1. Contact the Tehama County Department of Social Services

The county's social services department oversees the foster care system locally. Contact them to learn about becoming a licensed foster parent. They can explain requirements, training, and the application process.

2. Consider Becoming a Resource Family

California encourages foster parents to become "resource families" who can care for foster youth, adoptive placements, and birth family reunification. Explore this option when contacting the county.

3. Attend an Orientation

Orientation sessions provide information about the foster system, the needs of foster youth, and expectations for foster parents. Attend an orientation to learn more before taking steps to apply.

4. Complete Training

Foster parent training covers topics like trauma-informed care, managing behaviors, and meeting children's needs. Training ensures you are qualified to meet the challenges of fostering.

5. Work with a Local Foster Family Agency

Private agencies like Youth & Family Programs contract with the county to license, train, and support resource families. Partnering with one provides guidance and assistance.

Start the Process to Become a Foster Parent

If you live in Tehama County and want to make a difference for local foster youth, contact the county social services department or Youth & Family Programs today to get started. Our team is here to help you access foster care services and successfully navigate the process.

Contact Youth & Family Programs - Supporting Tehama County Families 24/7

At Youth & Family Programs, we have over 20 years of experience licensing, training, and supporting foster, adoptive, and kinship families in Tehama County and surrounding areas. Our staff have the knowledge and resources to guide you on your journey to becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Contact us today to learn more about our services.