Navigating Challenges to Foster Parenting Support in Shasta County

Foster parenting support in Shasta County provides invaluable services for children in need in our Shasta County communities. However, those who open their hearts and homes to foster youth also take on significant challenges. Many foster parents in Shasta County find it difficult to access the full support they require.

At Youth & Family Programs, we understand the common frustrations foster parents face trying to get adequate assistance. Here are some of the key issues:

Limited Shasta County Foster Parenting Resources

With heavy caseloads, the Shasta County child welfare department struggles to provide case management and prompt responses to foster families. Many foster parents report feeling unsupported by their county social worker.

Accessing Mental Health Services for Shasta County’s Foster Parents

Foster youth have high rates of trauma and mental health needs. But Shasta County lacks enough counselors and psychiatrists to meet the demand for therapeutic services. Foster parents find it very difficult to get appointments.

Obtaining Adequate Financial Assistance

The basic foster care reimbursement often falls short of meeting a child's needs. Foster parents pay many expenses out-of-pocket. Additional financial assistance is hard to come by.

Finding Respite Care

Caring for foster kids is demanding, and periodic breaks are essential. But not enough respite caregivers are available, making it tough for foster parents to get a rest.

Connecting with Other Foster Families in Shasta County

Fostering can feel isolating. Foster parents in Shasta County struggle to find peer support groups or fellow foster families for advice and encouragement.

Overcoming the Challenges of Foster Parenting in Shasta County

If you're a Shasta County foster parent up against these all-too-common obstacles, know that support is available. The team at Youth & Family Programs is here to help every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more.

Contact Youth & Family Programs - Supporting Shasta County Foster Families Everyday

At Youth & Family Programs, we understand the challenges foster parents face. For over 20 years, our nonprofit has provided licensing, training, and ongoing support to foster, adoptive, and kinship families in Shasta County. Let us help you access the resources, services, and community you need to foster parent successfully.